Students Get Ready for College Application Season at 2019 College Success Retreat

August 22, 2019 in Uncategorized by Lisa Ruben

Students are back in school now, embarking on a new year of learning. For many, this is just a continuation of their summer efforts. This July, 55 PSP students and mentors got an early start on learning how to navigate the complicated college and financial aid application processes. 

These dedicated students, along with their volunteer mentors, spent three days at Loyola Marymount University, sleeping in dorms, eating in the cafeteria and attending intensive workshops.  

Every year students tell us how much this retreat helps them feel truly ready to apply to college and unravel their financial aid options. Hear for yourself!

We couldn’t offer this intensive college-preparation retreat, or any of our other services, without partners like you. Give today to support students throughout the school year.

Students at the 2019 retreat learned about the college admissions process, financial aid and standardized testing. They began to work on their personal statements for the U.C. system and private universities, explored career paths and met with PSP alumni who shared their own college experiences and advice.

Together they also explored some of the complicated emotions that surround being the first in your family to attend college. Students shared their concerns and built each other up by focusing on the strength and resilience that make them ideal college students.

Great thanks belong to the wonderful community partners who helped make this event the success that it is.

Plus Me Project

College Access Plan

UCLA Office of Financial Aid

The PSP community – staff, mentors, alumni, scholars and community partners – made this year’s retreat both fun and productive. They set the stage for ongoing support that PSP will be giving to juniors and seniors throughout the school year.

As one student wrote after attending the retreat this year:

“I will apply what I learned to the upcoming school year by doing what I need to do for college like applying early and keeping my grades up. Also, I will keep in mind that there are a lot of colleges out there and that will help me not be so stressed during the year.”