Scholars & Mentors Gather to Welcome Fall and the College Season

November 13, 2019 in Uncategorized by Lisa Ruben

This year PSP is introducing a new component to our programming: Community Gatherings. These Gatherings will be held  four times per year at each of our Southern California sites. The vision for these gatherings is to build a stronger community by bringing together students and mentors for shared learning and to strengthen their mentoring relationships. PSP held our first Community Gatherings in Lennox and El Monte just before Halloween. 

With over 100 scholars and mentors in attendance at the meetings, PSP led college exploration workshops differentiated by grade level. Eighth and ninth-grade attendees learned about the importance of visiting colleges and preparing for high school success. Sophomores and juniors gained an understanding of why college fit is important and how to leverage fly-in programs to their advantage. Seniors received application support and solidified their college list. (You can review & download materials after the jump.)

As Halloween was around the corner, mentors and students divided into teams to compete for the best decorated pumpkins title. It was an evening filled with creativity, knowledge, and community.

We’re pleased to share some of the resources from the workshops held at the fall Community Gatherings. 

Colleges in Southern California-Fun Facts: Did you know there are 26 colleges in the LA area? Learn a little about each with this guide, then plan your visits!

My Priority Factors Worksheet: This worksheet will help you determine what factors are most important to you in a college. This can help yo narrow down the field and find the colleges where you’ll be happiest and most likely to succeed. 

List of Fly In Programs:  Colleges around the country offer fly-in programs that allow students to visit and get a feel for life on their campus. Many offer free travel and lodging to students. Here’s a comprehensive list of many fly-in programs that you can take advantage of.