Celebrating the PSP Class of 2019

June 20, 2019 in Uncategorized by Lisa Ruben

This spring the PSP class of 2019 celebrated their graduation from high school and their achievement of their college acceptance goals. More than 200 students, mentors, family members and community partners joined in these celebrations in Fort Bragg, Los Angeles and Ukiah.

Read student essays about their PSP experiences.  

One hundred percent of this year’s 37 graduates will be matriculating in college this fall! In addition, one of our graduates earned the prestigious Posse Foundation Scholarship.

The ceremonies included dinner and awards recognizing exceptional supporters and volunteers.

In our Los Angeles ceremony, held on June 1, Gretchen Ondrozeck received the Glenn and Marianne Langer Award, which honors Dr. and Mrs. Langer’s legacy by recognizing a partner who has made a significant contribution to PSP’s continues growth and success. In addition, Alice Shum received the Cultural and Academic Partner (CAP) Award, which recognizes someone who consistently gives of their time, effort and “elbow grease” to ensure that PSP is successful. 

In the North Coast communities of Fort Bragg and Mendocino, the Langer award was given to Mary Gill in honor of her work to teach PSP students about financial aid.  The CAP award was given to Carol Kawase in recognition of all the time she has dedicated not only to the scholars she mentored directly, but also to offering so many other enriching activities, like co-leading the Toastmasters Course, for all PSP scholars.

In Ukiah, Penny Walker was the recipient of the Langer Award in recognition of her great generosity of time and financial support, and Marsha Little was awarded the CAP award to honor all her efforts to mentor scholars and support the many other sessions provided to PSP students and families in Ukiah. The dedication of each of these partners is unparalleled.

However, the heart of each graduation was the students themselves as they shared testimonies on the impact PSP has had on their lives. Each student took a few minutes to share pivotal moments from the past six years. Some spoke about their appreciation for their mentors, highlighted memorable outings and thanked their families and PSP staff for their continued academic success.